Thursday, April 3, 2008

The SEO Journey Begins...

Learning SEO Basics

Hello everyone,

My name is Erfan Nourozi and im a recent Bachelor of Design (Visual Communications) graduate from New Zealand. Im 21 and am newly entering the real creative industry. After searching for graphics related jobs in my local area and attending interviews/interrogations I have met a number of people in the industry. From large companies and television ad directors to small, friendly design studios consisting of just a couple of friends. Throughout the interviews I have been given advice, constructive criticism and compliments to further advance myself in the industry.

I was recently employed by a web development company to carry out basic website testing and soon moved on to work with the SEO department due to a heavy workload. Instantly the SEO department was doubled, due to only having one existing member who is Aidan Rogers (aka) SEO ninja.

I have been doing some directory listings, link building and blogging. With these different aspects which are all part of SEO comes different techniques, strategies and terms which I have come to learn and am still learning.

This blog is an initiative to help me record my progress/learning as I work as an SEO apprentice.

So join
me on my adventure through the jungle of information that is SEO.

Stuck in an SEO rut? Disclose your competitors’ secret tricks and get ahead of the curve!

1 comment:

daaim0 said...